
Representation is of the CPF should be made up from both the community, who volunteer their services free of charge, and SAPS. All groupings of the community should be represented e.g. sports clubs, taxi associations, religious groups, government departments, women’s groups, civic organizations as well as individuals who do not belong to any specific group. The positions below are filled from nominations received from members affliated to the CPF, at AGMS and SGMs. Elective AGMs take place every five (5) years and a member may only serve for a maximum of two concurrent terms.

The Chairperson

  • Shall accept overall responsibility for all positions and execution of duties attached to positions on CPF.
  • Shall preside over meetings of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum.
  • Ensure the execution of all decisions of the Executive Committee.
  • Review safety strategy plan before the end of each financial year.  The safety plan with a program of actions together with budget is to be presented and approved during a Special General Meeting.  The FH CPF Safety Plan will be integrated in the SAPS Cluster Safety Plan for execution during the forthcoming financial year.
  • Shall be the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum’s representative and report on the functioning of the Forum to levels above forum level as and when required such as the Area Board and in exceptional circumstances to the Provincial Board.
  • Report back to the EXCO on matters relevant to the Forum discussed at levels above forum level.
  • Liaise with the Fish Hoek SAPS, Metro Police and other community based organisations as and when required and report back to the Executive Committee on such liaisons.
  • Will act as the Chairperson of the SAPS Fish Hoek Labour Forum consisting of SAPS and Police Unions.
  • Will submit such reports reflective of the activities or the work of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Shall supervise all work of the Forum in conformity with the Constitution and rules of procedures agreed upon by the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum.
  • May, if circumstances so dictate, approach the SAPS or Government institutions at any level, for intervention, assistance or advice, in the general interest of the community.
  • In conjunction with the Secretary, plan the meetings wrt to date time and location.
  • Must officially visit the Fish Hoek SAPS Police Station on a regular and unannounced basis.
  • Sit on police management meetings at least once a month when invited by the Station Commander.
  • The Chairperson may, from time to time, and as circumstances dictate, delegate some of his duties, functions and responsibilities in writing to the Vice-Chairperson and / or any elected Executive Committee member.

The Vice Chairman

  • Assist the Chairperson in the execution of his/her duties. In the absence of the Chairperson for whatever reason, or when so requested in writing by the Chairperson, the elected Vice-Chairperson of the Forum, shall have the same authority, powers and function as set out in Job description of Chairperson.
  • In the absence of the Chairperson will act as the Chairperson of the SAPS Fish Hoek Labour Forum consisting of the SAPS and Police Unions.
  • Will submit such reports reflective of the activities or the work of the Forum at the Annual General Meeting as instructed by the Chairperson.
  • Will supervise all work of the Forum in conformity with the Constitution and rules of procedures agreed upon by the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum.
  • The Vice-Chairperson shall have oversight over assets of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum.

The Secretary

  • Take and compile Minutes of all meetings for the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution and keep a record thereof including Resolutions passed and previous Minutes.
  • Arrange all meetings in accordance with the requisite procedures.
  • Perform administrative functions associated with the office of Secretary.
  • Collect, receive and dispatch correspondence on behalf of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum.
  • Keep originals of letters/correspondence received and copies of letters/correspondence dispatched.
  • Create and maintain a database of all members of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum, and Sub-Forums in consultation with the sub forums.
  • Advise the Chairman about decisions taken during the last meeting and tasks that had to be completed when drawing up the Agenda for the next meeting.

The Treasurer

  • Is responsible for the finances of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum and must ensure strict compliance with generally accepted accounting practice.
  • Must together with another designated member of the Board, operate a banking account on behalf of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum;
  • Must keep accurate and up to date books of account and other records necessary to clearly reflect the financial position of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum.
  • Shall submit to the Executive Committee at each of its regular monthly meetings a monthly income and expenditure statement.
  • Will, in each financial year, cause the accounting records of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum to be verified in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice by a duly appointed registered accountant.
  • Must table a financial report at every general meeting of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum setting out the finances of the Forum.
  • Must table a budget at every Annual General meeting.
  • Will submit to the Executive Committee a half yearly un-audited balance sheet.
  • Compile and maintain an asset register of all assets of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum.
  • Will be responsible for and deal with all documents pertaining to the functions of that office, such as budgets, financial reports, income and expenditure statements, daily ledgers, balance sheets, deposit slips, receipts, invoices, bank statements, accounts and so forth.
  • Must ensure that all assets of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum are adequately insured where required.

The Public Relations Officer

  • Promote the image, business and activities of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum to the community.
  • Liaise with and advise the Public Relation Officers of the sub forums.
  • Develop promotional materials when needed.
  • Organise public events and press conferences and press releases when necessary.
  • Update and maintain the website.
  • Reply to general enquiries of the community based on approved decisions of content.
  • Seek and negotiate sponsorships.
  • Provide assistance when required with branding and advertisements.
  • Conduct market research when needed.
  • Manage the response of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum in case of an emergency situation or in case of a disaster in the Forum’s area in consultation with the Chairperson.
  • Make media statements on behalf of the Forum as and when required based on approved decisions of content.

The Youth and School Safety Coordinator

  • Liaise with the Substance Abuse Representatives of Fish Hoek SAPS and Metro to develop a joint Substance Abuse Education Program.
  • In conjunction with School Safety Co-ordinator, liaise with schools within the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum’s area of jurisdiction as to their drug and alcohol abuse plans.
  • Attend joint meetings with School Safety Co-ordinator, Fish Hoek SAPS Sector Managers as appointed by the Fish Hoek SAPS Station Commander from time to time, Metro Representative, Sector Crime Prevention Officers and school principals to assist with the development, implementation and monitoring of education programs on substance abuse.
  • Ensure intelligence relating to drug trafficking, drug abuse and alcohol usage amongst school pupils are gathered and consolidated.
  • Attend the quarterly Sub Committee on Schools Safety meeting with the Sub Sectors representatives.
  • Present a Substance Abuse Overview at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Present a Substance Abuse Overview at the Monthly Executive committee meeting.
  • Create and document an Annual Substance Abuse Education Plan which must be consistent with the needs of the Sub-Sectors and the SAPS Master Crime Prevention Plan.
  • Report all known substance abuse incidents to the School Safety Co-ordinator, Crime Prevention Officer and Chairperson of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum.
  • Liaise with other Youth Desks of the neighbouring Clusters to formulate a joint Substance Abuse Education Program.
  • Present educational talks at schools and churches on the topic of Substance Abuse.
  • Liaise with schools within the CPF borders to obtain their safety plans.
  • Liaise with Fish Hoek SAPS and Metro Police regarding schools safety.
  • Attend joint meetings with Fish Hoek SAPS Sector Managers as appointed by the Fish Hoek SAPS Station Commander from time to time, Metro Representative, Sector Crime Prevention Officers and school principals to develop, implement and monitor school safety plans.
  • Ensure intelligence relating to drug trafficking, drug abuse and alcohol usage amongst school pupils are gathered and consolidated and communicate it to such school / principal if necessary.
  • Ensure intelligence relating to general school safety is gathered and consolidated.
  • Chair a quarterly Sub-Committee on Schools Safety meeting with the Sub Sectors representatives.
  • Present a School Safety Overview at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Present a School Safety Overview at the monthly executive committee meeting.
  • Create and Document an Annual School Safety Plan which must be consistent with the needs of the Sub-Sectors and the Fish Hoek SAPS Master Crime Prevention Plan.
  • Inspect areas of concern within the specific sub-sector together with that specific Crime Prevention Officer to familiarise him/herself with the operational requirements before engaging Fish Hoek SAPS.
  • Report all emergency School Safety related matters to the Chairperson
  • Liaise with other School Safety Coordinators of the neighbouring Clusters to formulate a joint Schools Safety Plan.
  • Assist with safety at school events as requested.

The Projects Coordinator

  • Co-ordinate and manage all projects approved by the CPF ECXO.
  • Liaise with other Project Co-ordinators of the neighbouring Clusters, Sector Crime Forum Chairpersons and suppliers to formulate a project needs assessment and plan.
  • Manage fund raising associated with projects.
  • Determine and present financial implications associated with each project to the ECXO.
  • Provide monthly reports to the EXCO and GSH on all projects.
  • Compile an annual report of all projects for presentation at the AGM.

The Elderly Coordinator

  • Liaise with the CPF partners, Sector Crime Forum, neighbourhood watches to establish a community project targeted at assisting the elderly on crime matters and community safety matters.
  • Assist SAPS to maintain a database and register of elderly in the community who wish to be part of the Keyhole Project, which aims to provide a closer community based awareness and support structure through visitation and closer interaction on matters affecting their safety.
  • Assist the elderly in matters relating to specialized care services.
  • Promote the care of the elderly in the general community through talks and media releases.
  • Liaise with Fish Hoek SAPS, Community and Governmental Departments regarding safety and security of the elderly.
  • Ensure intelligence relating to the safety of the elderly is gathered and consolidated.
  • Chair a quarterly Sub-Committee on the Elderly meeting with the Sub Sector representatives.
  • Present an Elderly Overview at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Present an Elderly Overview at the monthly executive committee meeting.
  • Report all emergency Elderly related matters to the Chairperson of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum.
  • Liaise with other Elderly Co-ordinators of the neighbouring Clusters to formulate a joint Elderly Safety Plan.

This portfolio could include the safety interests of vulnerable and mentally challenged members of the community.

Neighbourhood Watch Sector 1 and 2 Representatives

  • Represent the neighbourhood watches of their Sector at CPF, EXCO and CPF GSH Meetings.
  • Promote relations and co-operation between the neighbourhood watches in their sector and across other sectors within the CPF area of jurisdiction and with SAPS.

Sector Crime Forum 1 and 2 Representatives

  • Represent the neighbourhood watches of their Sector at SCF, EXCO and CPF GSH Meetings.
  • Promote relations and co-operation between the neighbourhood watches in their sector and across other sectors within the CPF area of jurisdiction and with SAPS.

Note: The Neighbourhood Watch Sector 1 and 2 Representatives and the Sector Community Forum 1 and 2 Representatives could very well be the same persons.

Community Crime HUB Co-ordinator(s)

To be developed. This portfolio could cover the proper integration, management and use of approved surveillance cameras and other equipment to assist in the combating of crim.


The CPF Radio Communications Co-ordinator

  • Co-ordinate and manage matters concerning the use of radio and other forms of broadcast communication between crime prevention partners, neighbourhood watches, emergency and civic disaster support services and the community.
  • Manage training associated with the forms of communication used within the area of jurisdiction of the CPF.
  • Maintain a register of approved neighbourhood watch radios used within the area of jurisdiction of the CPF.
  • Manage and co-ordinate the supply of and programming of all approved radio communication devices.
  • Provide reports to the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum and ICASA as required and manage approved radio broadcast frequencies owned by the CPF.
  • Manage a functional radio communication network that supports communication within the within the area of jurisdiction of the CPF as well as with other adjoining CPF areas.
  • Assist the Training Co-ordinator in establishing suitable training courses on communications relating to disasters, emergencies and crime reporting.

The CPF Cameras Co-ordinator

  • Co-ordinate and manage matters concerning the use of surveillance cameras and other forms of detection devices within the CPF area of jurisdiction.
  • Manage training associated with the use of associated monitoring software within the area of jurisdiction of the CPF.
  • Maintain a register of cameras and related equipment used within the area of jurisdiction of the CPF.
  • Manage and co-ordinate the supply of, installation of and maintenance of all approved cameras and other detection equipment.
  • Provide reports to the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum at monthly meeting or as required.
  • Maintain a functional radio communication network that supports camera communication within the within the area of jurisdiction of the CPF as well as with other adjoining CPF areas.
  • Assist the Training Co-ordinator in establishing suitable training courses on the use of camera monitoring software.
  • Assist in the drawing up of an annual budget for cameras and other surveillance/ detection equipment.

The Crime Desk Co-ordinator

  • Monitor the Fish Hoek SAPS crime prevention initiatives and report any aspect which is lacking to the Chairperson of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum.
  • Attend joint meetings between the Fish Hoek SAPS and the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum and all other role players specifically relating to crime prevention.
  • Gather and consolidate crime intelligence from the Sub-Forum Crime co-ordinators and present the information to the EXCO meetings and SAPS Crime Prevention Officer.
  • Chair a monthly sub-committee Crime Prevention Officer’s meeting with sub-forums’ representatives.
  • Present a crime prevention overview at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Present a crime prevention overview at the Monthly Executive Committee meeting.
  • Create and document a yearly crime prevention plan which must be consistent with the needs of the sub-sectors and the Fish Hoek SAPS Master Crime Prevention Plan.
  • Inspect areas of concern within the specific sub-sector together with that specific crime co-ordinator to familiarise him/herself with the operational requirements before engaging the Fish Hoek SAPS.
  • Report all emergency crime prevention related matters to the Chairperson of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum.
  • Liaise with other Crime Prevention Officers of the neighbouring Clusters to formulate a joint Crime Prevention Plan.
  • Liaise with the Fish Hoek SAPS on any joint operations between the Fish Hoek SAPS and the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum and to approve the Forum’s involvement in such joint operations.
  • Maintain a master crime intelligence database from reports received from the community, NHWs and crime partners and carry out appropriate crime analysis in support of patrols and operations.

The Training and Standards Co-ordinator

The Training and Standards Co-ordinator is responsible for all matters relating to training and to:

  • develop of a training and standards strategy for the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum that will guide and control the training delivery in all sectors.
  • maintain and supervise efficient administration of all training.
  • develop additional training material, as and when required to meet the needs of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum and its members.
  • co-ordinate the training and certification of trainers to conduct controller, radio and patroller training within all sectors of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum.
  • ensure that regular training sessions are conducted jointly between all sectors of the Fish Hoek Community Police Forum.
  • if so required, provide training or assist with training to SAPS and Metro Police.
  • keep a database of all certified trainers.
  • keep attendance registers of all training sessions.
  • ensure that training equipment is taken care of and kept in a good serviceable condition.
  • ensure that all members are trained against a common standard.
  • establish, maintain, review and update training material to be used by all sectors.

Provide regular reports on the state of training across sectors at the EXCO meeting.